Wednesday 23 May 2012

Niuean Natural Champions

Mrs Afford (Teacher) Mrs Lakamu (Mrs Niue 1992
Two of some of the Niuean Champions, these lovely ladies in the picture, Mrs Laufou Afford teacher, who founded countless community services, such as MUMT (Mutalau Ululauta Matahefonua Trust) and Mrs Lilly Lakamu, (Mrs Niue Beauty Pagent 1992, business woman, and supporter of niu moms)
Mrs Afford spear head the family into a world of inheritances and Gaming Industry, a lady who loved her God, and lived her life to the last day, who loved every moment of living. A Niuean Champion not missed, for the spirit of resurrection continues to share and live out In Niuean Champions.

Niuean Champions have been suppressed in many respect, but a few have started to come out into the light, as some of the most resourceful and active members of society.  Niuean has to be some of the most blessed race on the face of the planet, given some of the current and past examples.

"Niue Ua Fa To Mui" a song rings clear in my ear, as I take Charge of what I am given on God Zone (God Defend NZ). Amazes me that Educated Niuean's have not fully understood the blessings we Niuean are given, and to take full ADVANTAGE of fact, Capitalism (make lots of money and buy luxury) Educations helps Us, understand new THINGS other then things only of Niuean nature and culture. NZ and the world have Blessed Niue with a mighty Spirit (Christ) to go forth and Conquer, any Challenges in the Global migrations of Champions. Kate Tutavaha (Shearing) and Courtenay Bernard (Beauty Contest) some of the Niu Generations of Niuean's facing the Challenges and Thriving in the Moment of their best Time's in their Lives. Niuean are natural CHAMPIONS, that ear mark of savagery noticed by Captain Cook, remains one of Niue's hidden mask, and unless Niuean takes their opportunities Today, the song "Niue Ua Fa To Mui" may still ring loudly. 
Unmasking Niuean Champions is a positive note for all Niuean's to be proud of who they are and what they have.

World War 1, 150 young Niuean men send away to battle, only to face health issues never experienced by the young Niuean in their lives, provide some clear indication the Niuean Spirit to take Challenges even thou, they have not seen nor traveled such area's of life. All thou the losses of young Niuean lives were to sickness instead of a bullet, lest not the Young Niuean Spirit die in vain, but for the niu Niuean generation to take same Challenges and Win, in all areas in respect.

Niue under the NZ and British Empire has to be one of the most well designed constitution available to Niueans of course, and for the Niueans to understand and fully embrace what we have, and take advantage of the Blessing set out for Niuean on a winning plate. Niuean migrated to NZ and taking advantage of the Industrial Age, bought homes in the high demanding properties in Grey Lynn,Ponsonby, Parnell, proving Niuean can win in the Global Challenge.

In respect to one of Niue's own International success Pauly Fuemana most certainly reflect in his Niu found establishment OMC (Otara Millionaires Club). Pauly a gifted musician from Mutalau, and the only New Zealand International artist who have conquered the American Music industry with "How Bazzare". OMC broke the barriers in the Music Industry for Niuean's to piggy back in memory of Pauly spirit, can truly be marvels in their gifts and talents in the Global Challenge.
Niueans take heart, such spirit that propelled Mr Fuemana into the lime light, freely to be embraced by us who are in today's perfect time zone to marvel the world with what God have blessed us with. Admiring who we are but excepting where we are, would be most appropriate and to take advantage of the moment and opportunity, God Defend NZ, has prepared for us as Niueans.

As a writer of this blogg, I confess to my lack of education, but that will never stop me from my realization of the fact, what I have today, and what I must continue to pursue to ensure my winning place in the Game of Global Challenge in Capitalism. As a Niuean, I am proud for sure, but truly proud to note NZ, and the world has what I need to meet why I and all Niuean have left Niue to pursue. 
Capitalism to seek and work for the greater of Gods believing people, the family, and society, and of course the Dream to Win. Capitalism to own my own paradise anywhere in the world, buy flash toys of life, travel the world, and holiday when ever I wish. Dreams and desires of course, but that's the whole reality of today, and only liars will deny the fact.

Niuean's Stop and think, and notice, all the Villages in Niue has a Church and if Niueans are praying people and if God is real and has heard the Niuean peoples prayers. A wonder why Niuean has the Winning Champions in the blood. Of course, Niuean are well blessed be-on their means, NOTICING some Niueans are well OVER SIZED, from the enjoyments of the abundant s of food.

Adopting a country to establish yourself, a starting foundation towards issue in hand, and never give up until you have what u want. The Spirit that carried the Niueans into battle in the First World War, have paved the way for our generations to Win in our quest. 

Mr Falanitule one of the classic example of a Niuean enjoying the spoils of taking advantage of the Global Challenge and winning. 

Educated Niuean's have to make sure they are seeking quality educations and not just getting sub standard education. Education have proven to excel and broaden the Niu Niuean generation, and maintaining their road or prosperity can vigorously supported with Internet based system and strategies.  
Maintaining the road of capitalism also require's the weekly renewal of the Niuean's Spiritual Faith, washing and affirming to the Niuean Inner Spirit, the perfect connection, like petrol to car. Niuean's loosing this perfect alignment and foundation can expect some barriers, but a weekly dose of the renewing of the Spiritual Inner man, assures obstacles can be over turn easily. 
More so if God did open the world of Capitalism for the Niuean people, then we must ad hear to the fact, and maintain a perfect relationship with God, to ensure the on going growth of the God family and all the abundant desired. 
My own positive reflection notice's a strong presentation of the Niuean Champions in arena, such like, the amazing Susana Hukui, with media, Niuean version of Oprah, Che Fu, a musical marvel, the late Fuimana brothers, are just some of the Niu generations taking advantage of the Spirit of Capitalism. Of course many other respectful Niuean's I have not mentioned here, have indeed embraced their blessings are living out their joyful lives.

Some of the more well know name, Dr Colin, John Kaulima, Sgt Major Sani Lakatani, the Natural Niuean Champions, and speaking to Sani, in one of our deep conversation. Sani states, " My Mind is what I used to make sure I get what I want". Rightly so, an ex Vietnam veteran a Sergeant Major responsibility with the NZ Army indeed have accepted his perfect position in the arena of Champions.

Understanding the power that drives Champions, provides a strong foot hold for the Niu Niuean generation to embrace and take charge of their God given gift in the world of Capitalism. 
Alofi Markets a small specs of sand in the world of capitalism, never the less the Niuean people are well exposed and practicing some of the fundamental elements required in the ever changing and challenging field in this blog. 

  • Niuean Maintain Weekly Spiritual Faith
  • Embrace Capitalism
  • Quality Education
  • Donate 10% of Wealth
A young man Courtenay Bernard from Hakupu, winning the Mr World NZ 2012 tilte, a classic example of the Natural Niuean Champions starting to take charge of the Global Challenge, will be heading to EDINBURGH In November 2012 for the world tilte.

PS: If you see all my MISTAKES in this blogg, please note, "Mistakes Don't Stop Us"

1 comment:

  1. Niuean in the modern world can do wonderfully in respect of their career choices. How ever, Niuean are more capable and indeed have been given one of the best opportunities available in the High Speed Economic arena. Lets take Niueans in NZ, freedom to explore the wider world under the NZ flag. Niue the first in whole wide world to allow all everyone to have access to Wireless Internet. These two elements alone give Niue a head start from all other struggling Nations, yet Niue, has access for Free, to FASTEST CASH Factory ever created. The Internet.
