Friday 13 July 2012

Miss World Niue 2005

Zaani Tutavaha Lakamu Afford
Miss World Niue 2005 

Zaani a young lady with a massive passion for Life and still attending Auckland Seventh Day High School (ASDAH) when she won a Niuean Champion title Miss Niue 2005. Miss Photogenic part of Zaani's winning package won during the South Auckland Beauty Pageant.
Proud parents Steven and Lilly said, Zaani a lovely child, strong and very very confident, with a lot of love.
The young beauty queen have completed and graduated in Management in Tourism, with 1st Stage in Business Study. 
The young beauty queen spent a week in Otorohanga as part of her commitment to the title, staying at a local Maori Pa, along with other Beauty Queens from other Pageants around the country. One of the main issue of the Otorohanga retreat is to bond with the cultural elements of duty.
Proud parents Lilly and Steven, Zaani their youngest of the two children, delighted of the result.
What a precious moment.
Miss World Niue, have developed a career path and have successfully studied subjects to spear head her future, with a strong ethics in family. The young beauty queen also took part in the community based  services to care for her grand parents, which saw her having a paid trip to Perth as a personal care giver. Zaani's uncles and aunties in Perth provided the open door and the young queen took the opportunity and moved to Perth 2011.

Malama Sisikefu (Left) one of the Contestant for the Miss World took out the Talent Request prize.

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