Friday 13 July 2012

Miss World Niue 2005

Zaani Tutavaha Lakamu Afford
Miss World Niue 2005 

Zaani a young lady with a massive passion for Life and still attending Auckland Seventh Day High School (ASDAH) when she won a Niuean Champion title Miss Niue 2005. Miss Photogenic part of Zaani's winning package won during the South Auckland Beauty Pageant.
Proud parents Steven and Lilly said, Zaani a lovely child, strong and very very confident, with a lot of love.
The young beauty queen have completed and graduated in Management in Tourism, with 1st Stage in Business Study. 
The young beauty queen spent a week in Otorohanga as part of her commitment to the title, staying at a local Maori Pa, along with other Beauty Queens from other Pageants around the country. One of the main issue of the Otorohanga retreat is to bond with the cultural elements of duty.
Proud parents Lilly and Steven, Zaani their youngest of the two children, delighted of the result.
What a precious moment.
Miss World Niue, have developed a career path and have successfully studied subjects to spear head her future, with a strong ethics in family. The young beauty queen also took part in the community based  services to care for her grand parents, which saw her having a paid trip to Perth as a personal care giver. Zaani's uncles and aunties in Perth provided the open door and the young queen took the opportunity and moved to Perth 2011.

Malama Sisikefu (Left) one of the Contestant for the Miss World took out the Talent Request prize.

Saturday 7 July 2012

Beauty, Grace and Niuean

Eden Deelasa Tapuosi a 22 year old of Beauty Grace and Niuean, the Miss Niue 2012. The Miss Niue Aotearoa 2012 Beauty Pageant, again show case the most beautiful girl from Niue Island and the niu beauty queen from Hakupu/Liku/Cook Island one happy and delightful young lady. Mother Teresa Tapuosi most certainly have a very rare genes providing a stunning young lady, for the loud audience at the Logan Campbell Center 7th July 2012. The Audience not only witness and enjoying cast of professional Pacific Islands Best in music, but a chance to close up chats with each contestant. 
Eden in her talent show, danced to the slow rhythmic tune's of the pacific music, and the grace of a ballerina, wow the judges and over all winner in all categories.
Regardless of the New Zealand winters chill, each of the contestants overcome the cold evening parading in lightly fashioned outfits, and mingled with the crowd without any bother. Unfortunately one other contestant pulled out on the last minute, and only three vibrant courage's young beauty queen's took to the cat walk. 
Miss Niue Eden, love to learn to speak fluent Niuean, one of the strong influence to accepting the audacious  process of Beauty Pageant's, and amazed at how well and orchestrated, young Niuean born speaks her language fluently. 
Miss Tapuosi an Oscar Programmer for the Mangere Bridge Priamary School, Auckland, still wheeling in the fact, and have not sunk in the reality of her over overwhelming result, and taking Sunday to enjoy the New Zealand winters sun to chill. 
Facebooking the little fame shy Eden, reveals some of her natural blood line from the Cook Island, encouraging the clear dominance in the judges view and final. 
The beautiful Eden had to battle the cold during the night, and still poised herself to complete the event. Courage determination and having a lot of fun, overcome any health issue. 
Asked Eden how she manage to continue, she replied, "I went back stage and had a little rest".
Sitting up the balcony were the very happy grandparents Willie and Tina Tapuosi, cheering on their young Falala Niue to take the grown of Miss Niue Aotearoa 2012.  

Mahayla Kaniatoa 19 year old in the Hospitality Industry (on the left with Mrs Niue 1992 Lilly Lakamu) 1st runner up, full of life from Lakepa. Joined the Miss Niue Pageant to enhance her quality and knowledge of her culture. Mother Elizabeth and father Naeatose, Mahayla's bubbly nature a perfect reminder  of her Niuean culture. Natural beauty and confident in her own right treasure the memories of her grand parents Piva and Rangitinia. 
Delightful Mahayla wearing a short cut blue dress mingled with the crowd with a huge smile, having fun and really enjoying the occasion. Having Fun is the 1st Runner's motivation through out the  Miss Niue Pageant, and fun Mahayla fully enjoyed with her family on the front setting to cheer her on.

Peaches Josiah Mafina Nike Peni a 17 year old, Auckland Girls Grammar School student (on the left) want to continue study at University level after school, and loves to travel. From Liku and mother Fetu Peni, the soft nature Peaches well supported by her auntie Julie to experience the Beauty Pageant, for positive reason's and having a lot of fun for the young teen. Listening to Peaches gives an accurate picture to her hunger for learning and a determine young lady and a strong emotion for life. The Pageant have provided some cultural experience needed stated the young beauty queen, with a huge smile. 
All thou only 3 contestant's were judged, the night show case the brilliance and creative hands of the organizers, with an endless flow of the Jesus Blessed red juice, with the extra flavor to relax and to lift the VIP, to their feet. The VIP lounge a high end to the success of Beauty Pageants for families and VIP to enjoy not only the evening, but to enjoy the quality of services provided. 

Beauty Pageants a vibrant format for the introduction of a massive boost of confident's for any young Niuean lady, which provides some of the most exiting moment of their lives. Young Niuean ladies who have entered and completed Beauty Pageant, in recent time have shine and indeed have highlighted qualities of personality standard's of self appreciations. 

The Miss Niue 2010 Beauty Pageant, with Lilly Lakamu still show case the light of her charm, opened the event Introducing the Host for the Nite, the amazing Malcolm Lakatani, three time Pacific Music Award nominee. Lilly sang her dad's composed song "Tau Fuata Niue" an opener to the rest of the evening with super stars, Che Fu and his Dad, and Hip Hop and RNP stunners took to the stage to marvel the audience. All Niuean showman ship at its best.

The vibrant energy of each contestant's and current Miss Niue title holders, are force of Grace and absolute beauty, worthy the glory and excellence at its best. Niuean beauty is a hidden gem, yet to be realize by the Universe, and with the Miss Niue 2012 Pageant, show case the important issues of Niuean Most Gorgeous Beauties. There is indeed a secret misty spirit caring for each contestant and listening to each one, undoubtedly be listening to an angel from heaven. I know I am not drunk from all the endless flow of the Jesus Blessed Juice, which of course poured with intended purpose to free the soul...
Certainly not wine enticed view point, and after chatting to each contestants and witnessing each one in an environment perhaps foreign, yet each one grace the opportunity humbly. Niuean Champions for see a greater demand for Pacific Island Beauty Queens, to grace the world of fashion, modelling, and catwalks is well over due. 
NC also believes the Spirit Niuean Beauty Queens have accepted will indeed be taking a stronger and positive steps on the universal arena, for the demand for the Pacific exposure in category clearly viewed by the judges. The demand for Niuean Beauty Queen on the world stage in elegance, Grace and Integrity, will be of strong domination indeed..

Mrs Niue 1992 the stunning Lilly Lakamu, and two of the Miss Niue Title
 holders, the shinning Amber  Miss Niue 2011 and Wellington based  the
wonderful Maria  Metimeti Miss Niue 2010.

Miss Niue Aotearoa 
Stunning Eden Miss Niue 2012

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