Saturday 2 June 2012

Niuean Savagery

Proud To Be Niuean's
Captain Cook first encounter with the Niuean, continues to dominate the Statement "Savage Island" and today some Niuean may dislike the term's, but Niuean Champions have come up with a revelation to the fact.
Quite simply Niuean are an unique bunch of people, a wonder why Captain Cook could not land on the shores of Niue. All thou Cook have branded Niuean's as savages, by all means Niuean are not to Cooks observations. The Uniqueness of the Niuean people or their lack of understand to the fact, if Cook could not set foot on Niuean soil, provides Niuean a strong spiritual mana to face the new would with this realization at ease.

Niuean's living in the new world New Zealand, have to accept the fact and take advantage of their mana, in which Cook could not penetrate and stand firm on their cunning uniqueness and apply the same attitude and practices. More so, Niueans living and having access to modern education systems provides a strong foundation to capitalize on the opportunity we have in the modern world.

Should the hearts of Niueans are still back at the rock, then what the heart dwells on will draw the person to the rock. But a Niuean who takes charge of the fact, we can be like a savage's in the niu world, yet we know we are not savages, can take advantages of his blessing, and forge forward.
In the other word, Niuean who understand the fundamental issues in the modern world, have indeed broken through barriers and each day should be investing strongly in the mind set and belief towards their goal. 

Niuean Churches have lacked the words to sky rocket the Niuean's into the world of Investments and Capitalism, the dominating force providing cash follow. Cash follow needed by Churches in tithing and donation contribution, with family wealth extension the ultimate result from generation to generation.      

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