Sunday 21 October 2012

Niue Constitution Independence Day 2012

OMG: Niuean proudly celebrated their Niue Constitution Day through out the globe with a Niuean flavour of course and in Perth, Western Australia a strong Niuean number gathered on a massive Whiteman Park to share in the cultural atmosphere.

Niue Perth Community board of trustee hosted the celebrations at a massive Whiteman Park, Perth perfectly suitable for such occasions. Niuean families and friends along with their Australian families mingled around, played some familia games, tug of war, sack race, leg races, skipping rope and sekeka, boasted by a shared lunch.
Children's tug of war had a monetary prize for the winner and $100 was shared among the 7 champions, with two bottles of ale for the parents. 

Danny Lakatani, Sita Heti, Folio Konelio and Pepe Liutose with supporting crew opened the celebrations with a Blessing, the respect of the Niue National Anthem, acknowledgeable and a Lilly Lakamu Afford singing one of Niue's favourite "Tau Fuata Niue" along with dancers to the beat. 

Niuean's in Western Australia combine efforts making sure the occasion flows with a relaxed display of a close community. The shared lunch show case some cultural delicacy's, takihi loku, fai kai, punu polo, kapia pitako, and watered down with natural carrot juice, water and plenty of fizz choices for the kids. 
Last year Niue Constitution Celebrations, the Tug Rope broke in two, suggesting Niuean Power in Perth ramping, and 2012 rope has doubled up. The children tug of war, rewarded with a cash prize for the 7 winner, splitting the taking and a few ales for the parents.
Sack race with some niu invention to the word win, with one leg in the sack and one leg for the winning edge outside the sack. Along with the 3 legged race, a good combination of the theme won over maturity and experience. The sekeka race dominated by the old masters Suzi, sprinting to the finish line on one sekeka. 

Certainly a memorable day indeed for the Niuean Perth Community celebrating their freedom, with many who have travelled afar for the day. 
Steve and Jenny Miliona from Alofi, who resides south of Perth, along with Leon Puletaha from Mutalau, who is getting married in March to his lovely gal, stood by in awe.
Whiteman Park a few minutes north from central Perth provided an amazing ground, with many spectacular home ground events, such as an auto mobile museum, a kids swimming pool, with a bird life avery, and plentiful grounds for group activities, and a tram ride around the whole grounds.  
Relaxed, and bonding comes naturally for the community, and later in the day reminiscing to the familiar  sounds of ukelele of Danny Lakatani and bois. 

Marina Tutavaha McCommick (left) a strong supporter for the Niuean Community with four children, lives 1an half away from Perth makes regular trips to Perth to visit brother George, Charles, David and sister Jenny and Lilly. 
Patrica Sietu from Mutalau advertises proudly "Pulemotu Niue" bought her husband and children along with the husbands and dad, enjoying the day to be associated with some familiar sounds and activities.
Jean Siumaka one really happy Niuean, with a certain flare captured the occasion with her digital cam, accompany by her daughter and grands. 

Niuean Perth Community inspiring commitment supported by Niuean Perth Lifestyle combine spirit ensuring the celebration ear marks the special occasion. 
Proudly and globally Niuean's will be thriving in their special day, with a brighter future all ready a demanding success to continue.
Introduction of  a Niue Language Classes also opened on the day, and expected high numbers of interest, floods in.

Niue Perth 38th Constitution Celebrations 2012, concludes with a Prayer of Thanks as the community filters away, with a feel of saying good bye to a loved one on a Tofua, heading for the distance blessed land.

Koe aho Pule Motu he Tau Niue, koe aho ke fakamooli  aki kehe tau aho ki mua, he moua e Niue e monuina, tumau mai he matua he lagi. Fiafia moe loto hohofi e aga aga tapu he tau Niue, ha kua moua e tau fakakite aga monuina mahaa lautolu oti. 

More Pictures of Niue Perth Constitution Day 2012 ...